Author - Tyler Speegle

The #1 Threat to the Church

There’s a great threat looming over the Church right now. In my opinion, it’s the Church’s greatest threat. And it’s not doctrinal error, poor exegesis, a lack of discipleship, or even the contemporization of the Church. I believe the #1 greatest threat facing the Church right now is a lack of love — real love that...

20 Life Lessons I Learned From My Two Year Old

When I became a dad a little over two years ago I knew I had a lot to learn about becoming a parent. What I didn’t expect is just how much my son would teach me about life in general. I’m sure I have many more lessons to learn in the years ahead, but in the mean time I thought I would share this selection of 20: 1. Saturday mornings...

5 Signs You’re Reading The Bible Wrong

Growing up my nightly bedtime routine consisted of pulling down my black leather King James Bible and turning to Psalm 23 (I had heard that Psalm recited at several funerals, so I knew it had to be important). I eventually memorized it, but the truth of it never seeped into my heart. I would pull out my Bible every night and then somehow manage to...

Why Your Calling Doesn’t Have to Be So Confusing

It was a few years ago when I first felt God put the idea of ministry on my heart. I was a little surprised. I had never really pictured myself working at a church. But, I was pretty sure God was speaking to me, so I decided to stay open to the idea. During this season, my ears became attuned to the Christian buzzword “calling.” It...

The Best Financial Decision I’ve Ever Made

I’ll never forget the first time my wife told me she wanted to give an offering at church. It’s been several years ago, but I can still remember the gut turning nausea it induced. At the time we were tithing faithfully, both actively involved in volunteer roles, and offering our help whenever possible. In other words, I thought we were doing...

The Secret (Not So Silent) Marriage Killer

With a two-year-old toddler running around our house, my wife and I now have nightly routine that looks like washing bottles, picking up dirty diapers, and stowing away plastic toys. As you can guess, this isn’t the most exciting or enjoyable part of our day. This coincidentally is also when many of our arguments take place. With the...

Easter Isn’t (Just) About Getting to Heaven

It’s that time of year again. This weekend is Easter, which means you’ll  likely be participating in your fair share of pastel family photos, Easter Egg Hunts, and post-church family dinners. This also means you’ll likely listen to a sermon, read a social media post, or participate in a church service focusing on the death and resurrection...