Category - Church

Racism, Revival, & the Messy Middle

Racism and revival. It may seem strange to talk about these two topics in the same breath, but I’m becoming increasingly convinced that a revival is happening right now.  Things are messy — no doubt. Division is everywhere. Sides are clashing. But I believe what we’re seeing right now is a holy disruption in America. An exorcism of...

Sleeping On the Gospel

Yesterday morning we went out for breakfast and coffee as a family. The coffee shop we visited was located inside an old brick building called Atherton Mill. We had visited several times since we moved to Charlotte, but this time an old black and white photo caught my eye. It featured a cotton field, and in the background, what looked like an...

The #1 Threat to the Church

There’s a great threat looming over the Church right now. In my opinion, it’s the Church’s greatest threat. And it’s not doctrinal error, poor exegesis, a lack of discipleship, or even the contemporization of the Church. I believe the #1 greatest threat facing the Church right now is a lack of love — real love that...

Church Is Supposed to Be Messy

A few weeks ago after moving into our new house I had to make one last visit to our apartment office to turn in our keys. I walked in but before I could do anything I was approached by an older man who was visibly distressed. The rent payment system had just been transitioned to online-only and in an act of desperation he asked if I would help...

How This Syrian Boy Exposed My Apathy

I was scrolling through my Twitter feed yesterday when I first saw the image and video footage of Omran. It stopped me, literally froze my thumb on top of my shiny iPhone screen. It was shocking. Disturbing. Unsettling. Sickening. I couldn’t believe what I was watching. A completely innocent child having to wipe blood away from his face in...