Author - Tyler Speegle

A Daily Declaration for Decluttering Your Soul

Every day is another opportunity for a fresh start. But the reality is, life is complicated and the consequences of living an overwhelmed life are real. As soon as I wake up, it’s a bare-knuckle fight to be intentional, present, and self-controlled. Before I’ve had at least one cup of coffee, “taking every thought captive”...

Decluttering an Overwhelmed Soul

Over the past year or two, I’ve been fighting a serious battle. Even if you know me well, you wouldn’t be aware of it. I’ve only recently been able to put language around it myself.  All kinds of symptoms have surfaced, but I’m realizing the root is the same. The problem I’m referring to is a cluttered and overwhelmed...

Remembering to Rest

As a dad of two kids (one almost-4-year-old toddler and an infant that just turned 1) the one thing I’ve been lacking a lot of lately is rest. I was warned about this season, but I don’t think I properly prepared for it. Our second child, Greylynn, has honestly been a dream in a lot of ways — but there’s just something that’s...

Sleeping On the Gospel

Yesterday morning we went out for breakfast and coffee as a family. The coffee shop we visited was located inside an old brick building called Atherton Mill. We had visited several times since we moved to Charlotte, but this time an old black and white photo caught my eye. It featured a cotton field, and in the background, what looked like an...

Boring In The Best Way Possible

Yesterday we had to get out of the house for a few hours so the power company could work on our breaker box. We grabbed doughnuts, went to the library, had coffee, and eventually ended up on an empty green turf after lunch. Courtney and I spent over an hour here doing nothing but watching Asher & Greylynn laugh — and *for the most part*...

Church, We Have A Problem.

Today, with the help of technology and advanced transportation methods, the gospel has reached nearly every corner of the earth. It’s amazing to think about the millions of people, who just a few decades ago had no access to the gospel, now have the entire Bible in their pocket. With that said, it’s obvious that we haven’t always gotten it...

Is The World Getting Worse?

If you had asked me a week ago if I thought the world was getting worse, I probably would’ve replied with a simple, “Yes.” I mean, take a look around. We’re surrounded by rampant gun violence, blatant racism, and enough religious and political animosity to tear a nation in two. But what if all of this depressing evidence is actually...