Category - God

Where Did All Our Empathy Go?

It’s been a while since I wrote something, but I’ve had plenty of time to reflect this week. I tested positive for COVID-19 and I’m currently quarantining in my 3-year-old daughter’s bedroom. If you just imagined me writing this under a pink fluffy comforter, you wouldn’t be wrong. When I tested positive, COVID-19 instantly got a lot...

I Hear Voices… All the Time

man with coffee cup

I hear voices… all the time. I’m betting you do too. Each and every day we’re bombarded with voices of all types. Our spouses. Our co-workers. Our kids. Our friends. Our parents. Their words don’t simply bounce off our foreheads. They enter our ears and stick around for awhile. Sometimes for a very long time. Sometimes even...

Fear is Contagious, But So is Hope

white house black and white

I know some people who are upset today. I also know some who are excited. And I know a lot of people who are nervous and afraid. Regardless of your feelings, when a new president takes office, it’s a significant day in American history. And with that, I want to encourage you to join me in praying. Why pray? Because praying is...

Do Justice, Love Kindness

There’s so much to say but I also know that I don’t have the right words. I’ve struggled with this for the past few days and have finally decided to just share the few imperfect words I do have. What happened to George Floyd isn’t just sad. It’s sickening. I don’t have to know “all the details,” because unfortunately, this...

When Your Vision for 2020 Isn’t So 20/20

We just entered a new year and while I have so much to be grateful for, the past few months have been difficult. About halfway through 2019, we made the decision to sell our home and build a house. Logically, it all made sense. The market, the timing, the age of our kids — it all seemed sort of “perfect.”  We put our house on the...

Decluttering an Overwhelmed Soul

Over the past year or two, I’ve been fighting a serious battle. Even if you know me well, you wouldn’t be aware of it. I’ve only recently been able to put language around it myself.  All kinds of symptoms have surfaced, but I’m realizing the root is the same. The problem I’m referring to is a cluttered and overwhelmed...

Remembering to Rest

As a dad of two kids (one almost-4-year-old toddler and an infant that just turned 1) the one thing I’ve been lacking a lot of lately is rest. I was warned about this season, but I don’t think I properly prepared for it. Our second child, Greylynn, has honestly been a dream in a lot of ways — but there’s just something that’s...

Sleeping On the Gospel

Yesterday morning we went out for breakfast and coffee as a family. The coffee shop we visited was located inside an old brick building called Atherton Mill. We had visited several times since we moved to Charlotte, but this time an old black and white photo caught my eye. It featured a cotton field, and in the background, what looked like an...

How to Avoid the #1 Regret of the Dying

I recently read about a nurse named, Bonnie Ware, who wrote a book called The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying. In her experience as a hospice nurse, she gathered people’s last moments and thoughts. Over the years, she began to see a pattern involving people’s regrets. The #1 regret she discovered? “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true...