[su_dropcap style=”flat”]A[/su_dropcap] few years ago I thought my wife and I were going just to visit the “new church in town”. In my mind it was just another Sunday, just another church. The first few times we stepped foot into the church that we now call home, it wasn’t with complete certainty or comfort. In fact...
Author - Tyler Speegle
Have you ever dumped a jig-saw puzzle on the table and instantly felt confused? It’s frustrating because you know the pieces are supposed to fit together and make a larger picture, but until that occurs all you have is a big mess. It takes each piece being joined together for the picture to be accurately portrayed. I think the Church is...
If you have been living the Christian life for very long, you probably know how easy it is to drift away from a passionate pursuit that you once had. Sin, circumstances, tragedy, and every-day-life can take its’ toll and extinguish the fire in your faith. I know how difficult it is to wake up one day and ask the question, “Where did my desire...
When I first said a prayer asking Jesus into my life, what I most understood about the experience was that I had just made reservations in Heaven. I thought that was the biggest point… one day, far into the distance, I would get to experience the benefits of making the decision to accept Jesus. For most of my life I believed that the...
Something that has been burdening me recently is how often I see my focus centering on morality. Not primarily my morality, but everyone else’s. It’s an embarrassing and judgmental confession, but I’m certain that I’m not alone. It’s not that I don’t try to resist the temptation to judge others; it’s just that it is...
Have you ever stopped and thought about the effect your words can have on those around you? It’s so easy to live life and use words as you please and according to how you feel at the moment. The problem with choosing our words based on our feelings is that it isn’t natural to be positive with our words at all times, especially if...
Unfortunately, much of what is publicized today about Christianity is either negative comments or polarizing statements made about hot button issues. Due to this, a problem has developed – a generation is living with misconceptions and wrong ideas regarding Christianity. I fear that many people are being turned off to the idea of church or...
We live in an era where we constantly forfeit actual human interaction for a digital counterfeit. Dinner is had around the TV more often than not, the only time we have actual conversations is through a text message, and all of our spare time is spent searching for a more fulfilling moment through our smart phones. We are plagued with the fear...
For so much of my life I thought that God was indifferent towards me. I felt like I had to achieve some kind of spiritual status for Him to care. I bought into the exhausting idea that as long as I was praying, attending, and serving then I deserved His attention. While I now know that isn’t true, I sometimes catch myself trying to revert...
Living with an awareness of God’s presence is a vital component of the Christian life. The fact that we can live in relationship with God is an incredible gift and something that I can’t and wouldn’t want to live without. We’ve been promised that God is near and we can know that the promise is true, but one thing I’ve learned is that it...