3 Common Christian Stereotypes

Unfortunately, much of what is publicized today about Christianity is either negative comments or polarizing statements made about hot button issues. Due to this, a problem has developed – a generation is living with misconceptions and wrong ideas regarding Christianity.

I fear that many people are being turned off to the idea of church or Christian community due to one persons’ opinion or by a bad experience. Regardless of what your experience has been in the past I challenge you to examine the stereotype in light of what Jesus actually teaches, you might be surprised…



  1. Christianity is about living by a list of do’s and don’ts

Contrary to what many believe, the Christian life does not revolve around an exhausting list of do’s and don’ts. Romans 5:20 explains that God’s law was given so that we would see how sinful we are, not how well we could follow it. The Christian life is anchored in Jesus’ love, grace and mercy, not a list of rules.  [Tweet “”The Christian life is anchored in Jesus’ love, grace and mercy, not a list of rules.””]

Our life should be lived in the footsteps of His example of humility and selflessness. It’s not about us; it’s about Him!

  1. Christians are judgmental

There is no denying that some people use Christianity to prop themselves up above others in moral comparison. This, however, is NOT what is taught by Jesus and cannot be found anywhere in scripture. In fact, Romans 2:1 explains clearly that no man has the right to judge. Please don’t form your opinion based on one angry, judgmental person who claims to be a Christian. The example we are to follow is the one Jesus displayed when He kneeled in the dust next to the woman and told the religious crowd, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”  (John 8:7)

  1. Christians are close-minded

As Christians, we should stand firmly planted in what we believe, but it shouldn’t cause us to look down or step on anyone because of it. During Jesus’ time spent on earth He was so approachable that He attracted both the devoutly religious and the completely irreligious.  Jesus was ridiculed for keeping company with outcasts such as tax collectors and sinners (Matthew 11:19). The scripture teaches that we should act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly (Micah 6:8). Nothing about Jesus was close-minded, so neither should we.

 Have you come across any of these stereotypes? What are your thoughts? Leave a comment below.

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  • If we as Christians condemn others after God has so richly shown us mercy, we are the worst hypocrites. I sense that many people, Christian and non-Christian, have this erroneous idea that God picks people who are already devout or already good and kind people, or ‘professional’ religious types who say and do the right things, on the surface at least, but who in reality do it for their own reasons, because it makes them look respectable, or gives them a good living or whatnot. Look in actual fact at the type of people who God did call in the Bible! Paul, who as Saul persecuted Christians in some cases to a violent death, David the warrior, man of violence and womaniser, and Moses the Egyptian prince who gave it all up to lead His people to the Promised Land. We BECOME truly respectable in Jesus when we realise that without Him we are ,lost and all our strivings to be good are without any value without the atoning blood of Jesus. Christians should know that all humans are ultimately sinful and without any saving grace until they asked God into their lives. Who am I to judge another, when I have spent most of my life in a sinful state? Only sinners need apply!!!

  • I do understand about the push not to judge a person, but this phrase “do not judge” is at times taken out of context. I have seen people use it for a justification for action. John8:1-11 tells the story about the woman and the affair. The people were going to stone her. Jesus basically said that he did not have the right to judge her, but then he told her to “go and sin no more”. Did he make a decision that adultery was a sin? Yes!! Did he consider that judging? No!! There is a difference between telling someone that they messed up and forgiveness is there, verses telling them that they messed up and cannot be part of the family of Christ.

  • is one thing to understand stereotype and is another thing to get out of it confusion.
    you need God’s mercy, Grace and Love, as it been said. some Christians believe in what they thought is right some believe in what orders told them, that is why some of us miss the concept of Christianity
    All I want to say is that let’s all believe on our self and be studious everything needed is available. the Lord will help us.

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