Tag - worry

ISIS, Fear and Why They Will Not Win

Adolf Hitler once said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Adolf Hitler ruthlessly used this strategy to incite hatred and violence toward the Jewish people of Europe. It is no surprise that he would choose to use a campaign of lies, for the atrocities that occurred at his leadership can only...

Why You Should Stop Listening to Fear

Have you ever done something crazy for someone you loved? My guess is that you have. That’s because that is what love does. It makes us respond in a manner that goes above and beyond. Love greatly overshadows fear and worry.  It will give you the courage to do things you wouldn’t even consider doing otherwise. For example, a few years ago I...

Birds in a Snow Storm

This morning I made some coffee, sat down with a fresh cup, and stared out the window at the falling snow. At this point, the entire yard was completely covered in a blanket of fluffy white. All except for one small patch underneath my wife’s Jeep. It was there that several birds were hopping about and pecking at the ground. It was their safe...