Jesus Died for Relationship

Well, it is that time of year again. This Sunday is Easter and if I had to guess church services, grandma’s house and Easter egg hunts will fill the majority of your day.

This is considered the Super Bowl weekend of the church world and it is quite easy to get swept up in the hustle and bustle of it all. However, as you participate in church services and fulfill your Christian duties this weekend please do not miss the meaning of it all. You may know that Jesus died on a cross – but please do not overlook WHY He died on a cross.

Jesus could’ve laid down His life for several reasons – He could’ve died for the advancement of religion, power or politics… but instead Jesus died for relationship.

This weekend be reminded of God’s desire for you.

From the moment that Adam and Eve sinned in the garden God began His pursuit. He searched them out in the garden and began a plan of reconciliation that culminated in the necessary, but unthinkable sacrifice of His one and only perfect Son – Jesus.

Jesus died so that we could become innocent before Him and have relationship with Him eternally. 

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”
John 3:16-17

Jesus died and rose from the grave so that we could become children of God. (Galatians 4:7)

So that the prodigal son could return home. (Luke 15:13-32)

So that we could be called friends with God, not enemies. (John 15:15)

So that we could become sons and daughters of the King, not slaves to sin. (Galatians 4:7)

Jesus died for you personally. As He endured unthinkable torture on the cross, you were on his mind. Your mistakes, your failures, your past, your sin – He died so that all of it could be washed away and you could have relationship with Him.

He rose to life so that you could have true life.

Easter is about love. And not just any love. The greatest love of all time. Because of this love you have proof of how far He is willing to go to reach you. You have proof that He desires relationship with you.

Jesus didn’t experience torture and ridicule on the cross just so that we could fill a seat on Sundays. Jesus died so that the fatherless would have a Father, the hopeless would have hope and the broken would be made beautiful.

This Easter don’t forget how personal Jesus is. He died for relationship – not religion, not rules, not church. Jesus died for YOU.

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • That article on 5 Lies about Christianity, was inspiring to say the least. You were spot on with your comments as they resonated with my own growing understanding and ministry since my baptism on April 16, 1972. Oh, how many Christian cause others ( fellow Christians and non-Christians) to stumble my giving a false impression of who a Christian really is. A Christian is a real person, who truly relies on the indwelling Holy Spirit – to guide his/her everyday life and activities. Struggles and regular life challenges are concomitant with Christian living and no true follower of Christ should give the impression that he/she is above these realities of life.

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