Category - Church

3 Reasons We Should Stop Hiding Our Mess

Recently my wife and I were having some company over to our home and we began a frenzied effort to clean things up a bit. It wasn’t like the house was a complete mess – we just didn’t want someone else to see our lack of organization and a few things out of place. I’m sure we aren’t the only people who do this, though. It’s part of...

Celebrity Pastors – Say What?

Over the past few years I have noticed a disturbing trend with so-called “celebrity pastors” – the trend actually isn’t related to them, but rather the hatred that is thrown towards them on a regular basis. Whether it’s Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Carl Lentz, or Rich Wilkerson Jr there always seems to be certain pastors that garner...

ISIS, Fear and Why They Will Not Win

Adolf Hitler once said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Adolf Hitler ruthlessly used this strategy to incite hatred and violence toward the Jewish people of Europe. It is no surprise that he would choose to use a campaign of lies, for the atrocities that occurred at his leadership can only...

More Love, Less Opinion

In the wake of the Starbucks red cup controversy I’ve had several thoughts and emotions flood my brain. There is so much that could be said regarding the controversy, but overall I’m simply just frustrated to see so much anger and judgment from Christians being camouflaged as “taking a stand” and “drawing a line in...

The Day After Easter

I don’t know what your Easter weekend was like, but I can bet it was a busy one. And if you serve at a church in some capacity, then I can bet you had a really busy one. Easter is one of the biggest weekends of the year for the Church. There is typically a much higher attendance and therefore a larger need for volunteers to accommodate the...

3 Wrong Ideas About the Church

Living in the heart of the Bible Belt it’s quite easy to become comfortable with certain beliefs and worldviews. For some reason, as we grow older we tend to believe everyone else shares a similar experience in life and has a similar view and outlook. However, that is not always the case. One thing I’m learning is that not everyone has the...

How a Church Changed My Life

[su_dropcap style=”flat”]A[/su_dropcap] few years ago I thought my wife and I were going just to visit the “new church in town”. In my mind it was just another Sunday, just another church. The first few times we stepped foot into the church that we now call home, it wasn’t with complete certainty or comfort. In fact...