Author - Tyler Speegle

The Day After Easter

I don’t know what your Easter weekend was like, but I can bet it was a busy one. And if you serve at a church in some capacity, then I can bet you had a really busy one. Easter is one of the biggest weekends of the year for the Church. There is typically a much higher attendance and therefore a larger need for volunteers to accommodate the...

The Problem With Patience

You know what isn’t fun? Waiting. I don’t think I’m alone on this though. I don’t know of anyone who enjoys waiting. No one on this earth says, “I cannot wait to wait on something!” We live in a “right now” culture and waiting is frowned upon in every aspect of life. All you have to do is look at the world around you to...

3 Wrong Ideas About the Church

Living in the heart of the Bible Belt it’s quite easy to become comfortable with certain beliefs and worldviews. For some reason, as we grow older we tend to believe everyone else shares a similar experience in life and has a similar view and outlook. However, that is not always the case. One thing I’m learning is that not everyone has the...

The World Needs Your Voice

There’s an endless amount of excuses you can use for why you don’t have to use your voice: “there’s people who are already using their voice”… “my story isn’t that special” … “I don’t have the skills”… “what if nobody listens?” The reason I know all of those excuses is because at one time I was very good at using...

There’s Grace For That

We don’t wake up expecting to make a mess of things (or at least I don’t) – messiness just kind of happens. Most days I wake up and I have an idea in mind of how the day should go, but I never seem to estimate the mess. Some days it looks like setting off the smoke alarms while trying to make your sick, pregnant wife some oatmeal. Some days...

How We Are Being Lied To About Love

Approaching Valentine’s Day every year there seems to be examples everywhere for what love is supposed to look like. Books, magazine covers, and movies all take a different, yet similar approach. Every form of advertisement and media says that love is a feeling and the way to measure love is by judging the intensity of that feeling. “Do...

What To Do When Life Gets Busy

The month of January may have been the busiest I have ever felt in my life. So many great things happened and it seemed like they all happened at once. In the span of the past month we learned we were having a baby boy, our house sold, we moved out of our house, we signed a contract on a new house, we made a bucket list trip to North Carolina and...

Becoming a Dad

So we just found out the sex of our baby that’s on the way and… it’s a boy! Asher Roman Speegle. Courtney and I are only a few months into this journey and we have laughed, cried, and prayed the entire way. Once you start calling your child by name, the reality of it really seems to start hitting home. And I would be lying if I said I...