“Tyler… Tyler… TYLER.” No, that line you just read wasn’t me practicing the spelling of my name. That was a direct quote from my wife as she tried to get my attention recently as I was looking down at my phone. I’m not sure if it was email, social media, or a text message from a friend — it doesn’t really matter...
Tag - serving
Over the past several weeks I’ve spent some time reading through the story of Christ’s birth. It’s a story that transcends both time and history and is one that I look forward to teaching my son every Christmas season as he grows older. He may only be a little over a year old, but my wife and I already have him playing with a plastic manger...
When I first said a prayer asking Jesus into my life, what I most understood about the experience was that I had just made reservations in Heaven. I thought that was the biggest point… one day, far into the distance, I would get to experience the benefits of making the decision to accept Jesus. For most of my life I believed that the...
Just in case you ever feel you aren’t ‘capable’, ‘equipped’, or ‘good enough’ to serve or lead in your local church… just read Luke 5. Jesus destroys any kind of platform revolving around the idea of religious performance. The only qualification you need is the call of Christ. If you are called to Jesus, then you are called to...