Tag - rest

Decluttering an Overwhelmed Soul

Over the past year or two, I’ve been fighting a serious battle. Even if you know me well, you wouldn’t be aware of it. I’ve only recently been able to put language around it myself.  All kinds of symptoms have surfaced, but I’m realizing the root is the same. The problem I’m referring to is a cluttered and overwhelmed...

Remembering to Rest

As a dad of two kids (one almost-4-year-old toddler and an infant that just turned 1) the one thing I’ve been lacking a lot of lately is rest. I was warned about this season, but I don’t think I properly prepared for it. Our second child, Greylynn, has honestly been a dream in a lot of ways — but there’s just something that’s...

Overcoming Hurry Sickness

I love being a dad. It’s an honor, a privilege, and a blessing I’m beyond grateful for. With that said, there are a few things about being a parent that can be stressful. One of those being, trying to leave the house with a toddler. Sure, sounds simple enough. Just throw some clothes on your kid and then head out the door. Well, it’s a...