A new year can be exhilarating. It can mean new dreams, new goals, new habits, etc. But for some, it can also be overwhelming. And perhaps even disappointing. I personally love this time of year because I try to approach it with a sense of gratitude and appreciation, rather than disappointment and discouragement. Instead of being sad that...
Tag - family
Dear Greylynn, I’ve had this letter on my mind for a while now. I’m not sure where to even start, so I’ll just begin by saying that you’ve had us on quite the journey so far. Your mom spent the first few months being terribly sick and then a couple months ago you tried to join us too early. Then you surprised us all by staying put. God...
When I became a dad a little over two years ago I knew I had a lot to learn about becoming a parent. What I didn’t expect is just how much my son would teach me about life in general. I’m sure I have many more lessons to learn in the years ahead, but in the mean time I thought I would share this selection of 20: 1. Saturday mornings...
This week one of the strongest, greatest men I’ve ever known entered into Heaven – my grandpa or as our family called him, “Papaw.” There’s not many out there like my Papaw. Strong willed and strong in heart. Respected and respectful. Papaw was the kind of man who made a lasting impact on everything and everyone he...
Over the past few months I’ve been in a constant learning process as a new dad. Being a parent has taught me many lessons so far – some about myself, my marriage, my values in life and even about the unconditional love of God. With that said, I want to share a few of those learned lessons with the world – 5 of them in...
So we just found out the sex of our baby that’s on the way and… it’s a boy! Asher Roman Speegle. Courtney and I are only a few months into this journey and we have laughed, cried, and prayed the entire way. Once you start calling your child by name, the reality of it really seems to start hitting home. And I would be lying if I said I...