Over the years I’ve written several blog posts about prayer. Some have been about the ingredients of effective prayer and some have even been about how I learned I was praying wrong. Unfortunately, it’s the latter that often reminds of my prayer life. Most of the time I feel like a failure when it comes to prayer. Sure, I pray when things...
Category - God
Several months ago I had an important meeting on my schedule and I spent several days preparing for it. I was a little nervous, but I was also excited. I tend to over-prepare, but unfortunately for this meeting, I way over-prepared. I stayed up past 2 AM the night before and woke up the next morning feeling terrible. I thought I would be fine, but...
At the end of every year, our church participates in a year-end offering where we make a sacrificial gift dedicated to growing and expanding our reach as a church. This was my family’s second year to participate, and it’s become one of my favorite traditions. One of the things I look forward to most is that we also look forward to the year...
I love being a dad. It’s an honor, a privilege, and a blessing I’m beyond grateful for. With that said, there are a few things about being a parent that can be stressful. One of those being, trying to leave the house with a toddler. Sure, sounds simple enough. Just throw some clothes on your kid and then head out the door. Well, it’s a...
We’ve all heard the story of Zacchaeus and the sycamore tree. In fact, just the mention of his name is probably enough to bring the Sunday School jingle to your mind. I’ve always enjoyed the story, but only until recently have I realized how illogical it is. Zacchaeus was basically a 1st-century gangster. As a tax collector, he would’ve...
Growing up my nightly bedtime routine consisted of pulling down my black leather King James Bible and turning to Psalm 23 (I had heard that Psalm recited at several funerals, so I knew it had to be important). I eventually memorized it, but the truth of it never seeped into my heart. I would pull out my Bible every night and then somehow manage to...
It was a few years ago when I first felt God put the idea of ministry on my heart. I was a little surprised. I had never really pictured myself working at a church. But, I was pretty sure God was speaking to me, so I decided to stay open to the idea. During this season, my ears became attuned to the Christian buzzword “calling.” It...
It’s that time of year again. This weekend is Easter, which means you’ll likely be participating in your fair share of pastel family photos, Easter Egg Hunts, and post-church family dinners. This also means you’ll likely listen to a sermon, read a social media post, or participate in a church service focusing on the death and resurrection...
I try to read the Bible every day, usually before getting started with anything else. I’m not perfect at it, and if I’m being honest, a lot of times I read it too fast and I overlook the richness of God’s Word. Lately, I’ve been reading through the Psalms and as I was on my way to brushing past the depth and divine nature of scripture...