In just the past few weeks I’ve witnessed two separate instances where someone I’m close to has been harassed for the way they have voiced or represented their belief in Jesus. You would probably assume that the harassment came from narrow-minded, opinionated agnostics. Or maybe from a different faith… but it didn’t. The accusations...
Category - Culture
Something that has been burdening me recently is how often I see my focus centering on morality. Not primarily my morality, but everyone else’s. It’s an embarrassing and judgmental confession, but I’m certain that I’m not alone. It’s not that I don’t try to resist the temptation to judge others; it’s just that it is...
Unfortunately, much of what is publicized today about Christianity is either negative comments or polarizing statements made about hot button issues. Due to this, a problem has developed – a generation is living with misconceptions and wrong ideas regarding Christianity. I fear that many people are being turned off to the idea of church or...
We live in an era where we constantly forfeit actual human interaction for a digital counterfeit. Dinner is had around the TV more often than not, the only time we have actual conversations is through a text message, and all of our spare time is spent searching for a more fulfilling moment through our smart phones. We are plagued with the fear...
It seems like there is a constant debate that exist regarding what is and isn’t acceptable in church and in the delivery of the Gospel. I’ve heard condemnation cast at contemporary music, moving lights, humor used in sermons, Bible translations, architectural style of church, etc..etc.. I’m not at all for introducing ‘new...
I wonder sometimes how many people wake up every day, walk out the door, and live a life filled with lies. How many people wake up believing the lie that they are unworthy, unloved, and unwanted? How many live in the falsehood of legalism constantly trying to “earn” God’s love? I wonder how many people have bought into religion and...