Yesterday morning we went out for breakfast and coffee as a family. The coffee shop we visited was located inside an old brick building called Atherton Mill. We had visited several times since we moved to Charlotte, but this time an old black and white photo caught my eye. It featured a cotton field, and in the background, what looked like an...
Tag - church
There’s a great threat looming over the Church right now. In my opinion, it’s the Church’s greatest threat. And it’s not doctrinal error, poor exegesis, a lack of discipleship, or even the contemporization of the Church. I believe the #1 greatest threat facing the Church right now is a lack of love — real love that...
A few weeks ago after moving into our new house I had to make one last visit to our apartment office to turn in our keys. I walked in but before I could do anything I was approached by an older man who was visibly distressed. The rent payment system had just been transitioned to online-only and in an act of desperation he asked if I would help...
Over the past few years I have noticed a disturbing trend with so-called “celebrity pastors” – the trend actually isn’t related to them, but rather the hatred that is thrown towards them on a regular basis. Whether it’s Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Carl Lentz, or Rich Wilkerson Jr there always seems to be certain pastors that garner...
[su_dropcap style=”flat”]A[/su_dropcap] few years ago I thought my wife and I were going just to visit the “new church in town”. In my mind it was just another Sunday, just another church. The first few times we stepped foot into the church that we now call home, it wasn’t with complete certainty or comfort. In fact...
Have you ever dumped a jig-saw puzzle on the table and instantly felt confused? It’s frustrating because you know the pieces are supposed to fit together and make a larger picture, but until that occurs all you have is a big mess. It takes each piece being joined together for the picture to be accurately portrayed. I think the Church is...
If you have been living the Christian life for very long, you probably know how easy it is to drift away from a passionate pursuit that you once had. Sin, circumstances, tragedy, and every-day-life can take its’ toll and extinguish the fire in your faith. I know how difficult it is to wake up one day and ask the question, “Where did my desire...
When I first said a prayer asking Jesus into my life, what I most understood about the experience was that I had just made reservations in Heaven. I thought that was the biggest point… one day, far into the distance, I would get to experience the benefits of making the decision to accept Jesus. For most of my life I believed that the...
It seems like there is a constant debate that exist regarding what is and isn’t acceptable in church and in the delivery of the Gospel. I’ve heard condemnation cast at contemporary music, moving lights, humor used in sermons, Bible translations, architectural style of church, etc..etc.. I’m not at all for introducing ‘new...
I wonder sometimes how many people wake up every day, walk out the door, and live a life filled with lies. How many people wake up believing the lie that they are unworthy, unloved, and unwanted? How many live in the falsehood of legalism constantly trying to “earn” God’s love? I wonder how many people have bought into religion and...