Dear Greylynn – An Open Letter To My Unborn Daughter

Dear Greylynn,

I’ve had this letter on my mind for a while now. I’m not sure where to even start, so I’ll just begin by saying that you’ve had us on quite the journey so far.

Your mom spent the first few months being terribly sick and then a couple months ago you tried to join us too early. Then you surprised us all by staying put. God brought us through that scare and we’ve taken it day by day ever since.

I wrote your big brother a letter like this a couple years ago and a lot has changed since then. We moved from Alabama to North Carolina. Your mom and I both have different jobs. And your brother is now almost three years old 😮

A lot of things haven’t changed, though, at least the most important stuff. And that’s what this letter is about.

I know I mentioned we had a few scares, but what I didn’t say is just how scary those moments were. The time period you tried entering the world would’ve been extremely dangerous. It was in those moments that your mom and I had to lean on Jesus and the community He’s put around us more than ever.

That’s actually the first and most important thing I want you to know about life. As you grow older, God will give you the freedom to choose who and what you put your trust in. You’ll be tempted to put your trust in yourself, other people, and plenty of other things — but ultimately I pray that you will put your trust in Jesus. Just like your mom and I, Jesus loves you completely and unconditionally. But with Him, it’s a perfect kind of love. One that will never let you down, no matter what.

As far as who else you put your trust in, I want to encourage you to choose your friends wisely. Besides a relationship with God, there isn’t a more important factor regarding your future than who you surround yourself with.

I give you that advice because the world you’re entering isn’t perfect. Not even close. And you’re going to lose your way from time to time. But it’s during those times that you should listen for God’s voice the most. Often times He speaks through other people, sometimes even through your parents 😉 — but just know that He’s always there, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

But don’t get the wrong idea. As bad as this world can sometimes seem, there is a lot of good, especially when you learn to look for it and strive to be a part of it. And I do believe you will be.

That’s one of my prayers for your life. I pray that you will be a creator, a builder, and a change agent for good wherever God takes you. I’ve also been asking God to give you a gentle and kind spirit like your mom has. She has a way of making someone feel seen and loved when she meets them, and I hope God gives you a little bit of that.

As you grow older, you’ll see more and more that’s what true happiness is all about. Selflessness attracts joy. And while I know it may seem a little backward that focusing less on yourself and more on others would bring joy, that’s often the way God works.

Whatever personality you have, I know it will be unique and God’s handprints will be all over it. In fact, the special way God made YOU will always be the most beautiful thing about you. This world will try to tell you otherwise, but don’t listen.

You’re infinitely valuable and worthy of love simply because of the God who made you — and nothing can change that.

Greylynn, God has an amazing plan for your life and it’s a privilege that your mom and I to be a part of it. We love you and can’t wait to meet you. See you soon (not too soon, though)



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